Indulgence's Journal

Indulgence's Journal


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10 entries this month

Budget Backlash

01:07 Feb 24 2011
Times Read: 584

The longer this budget battle drags on, the more people are stepping up and putting in their two cents' worth. We have already heard how the teachers and the other public union members are against this bill, because it aims to eliminate their collective bargaining rights for everything but wages, and the Governor wants them to chip in for their pensions and health care costs, which up till now they have not done.

Now, much to the amazement of myself and other people who figured that the majority of people were on the side of the teachers, we find a whole phalanx of folks who are solid behind the Governor. When the teachers protested the asked 12.6% health care cost and the 8% pension cost, a lot of folks agreed with them. Outrageous, right? To actually ask someone to pitch in for a portion of their health care. Unheard-of.

The last job I had that provided health insurance, I had to put in 20% for my share. And yes, I thought that was a chunk out of my pay, but I was happy to have the coverage so I sucked it up and did it. Now....the union people are bitching over 12.6%? Really?


One frustrated constituent on last night's news summed it up thusly. "You union people are upset because this is hitting you in your pocketbook a little? How about people that don't have jobs? In all of this, how many of you have said"I'm grateful for my job, and that's not a lot to pay for health care costs?" You all are greedy, and just want more. You all manage to get raises nearly every year, when others get laid off. Have nice vacations every year? Many don't. You just don't realize how good you have it. To the non-union people out there you sound extremely greedy."

And here's a thought. To the Democrats who are staying down in Illinois to avoid voting on the bill....if you don't like this bill so much, how about you guys coming up with something better? Show the Governor you can do something besides fillibuster. Make a list of some other ways the state can save money. Instead of raising taxes, let's see if you can figure out how to save some money for a change.

We're waiting.



15:41 Feb 24 2011

In defense of teachers- depending on the states education demands- they potentially have greater student loans than those who gave jobs that do not require an education. That "measly" 20% to someone who has loans for undergraduate and graduate schooling might very well be the difference of paying bills or not. Especially in the states where teachers start out at 24,000 a year and must complete a masters degree for any pay raise after two years of work.

16:50 Feb 27 2011

Our state is BROKE. They need to chip in to offset health care costs. Up till now they have had a free ride, with great health care that a lot of us are not privy to. The time has come for some major belt-tightening.

The teachers we see on TV, protesting, are stating that they make $45,000 and cannot afford health care. WTF?

Their pensions are being provided by MY tax dollars. And I can name off 4 or 5 companies in this state that ALMOST closed their doors and moved operations to another, cheaper place because the unions would not agree to pay/benefits cuts. Keep them big bucks paychecks coming folks. Just keep em coming.



03:35 Feb 23 2011
Times Read: 599

Just glancing over the Top Members list...I could have SWORN it said, just for a second...."You are not safe in this category". Holy cow.

Then, looking at the left where it says Member Webcam....anybody else just glance at that and think it says "Member Welcome"? Imagine new people clicking on that and seeing some of the goofy stuff on the cams. :P

I think I need to call my eye doctor.



03:52 Feb 23 2011

I went for an eye exam today actually....turns out I needed glasses.

07:22 Feb 23 2011

And VR dyslexia strikes yet again....

07:32 Feb 23 2011



Protesting Things

00:51 Feb 22 2011
Times Read: 608

A gaggle of high school kids went by today, in the pouring icy rain, carrying signs and shouting their support of the teachers who are still up at the state capitol, trying to shout down the bill that our governor is trying to pass.

"Kill the bill! Support teachers!" they were shouting. I do support teachers. Very much so. Their jobs are damn important. However. Ahem. State workers are being asked to help balance our glaring deficit by paying 12 1/2% towards their health care, and 5% towards their pensions. They currently only pay a modest amount for life insurance, and nada for the others. The governor also wants to eliminate some collective bargaining rights, and only allow bargaining for wages. This is setting up quite a howl, as you may know if you are following things on TV.

It's a remarkably peaceful standoff thus far, I think the Governor called out some police just in case, but nothing violent has happened, just some heated shouting matches. People are giving their opinions on things, which is fine. Both sides just want to settle this business once and for all.

And the kids walking in the rain shouting....all I could think when I saw them was "you're all fired up now, but wait till the end of the year when it's all warm and sunny and you want to have your vacation...you'll still be in class, making up the days you lost because the teachers were away!



00:59 Feb 22 2011

Very true. Wonder if anyone has told them that part yet?


Uh what?

01:35 Feb 21 2011
Times Read: 622

From a journal..."early stages of phenomena"... you mean pneumonia, dear? Or are you suffering from an old John Travolta movie?



02:05 Feb 21 2011

That IS suffering...

03:11 Feb 24 2011



Failbook Gem

00:54 Feb 19 2011
Times Read: 631

Ist post: "Well, Citizen Kane is....decent so far."

Friend comment: "IT'S HIS SLED"

1st post: "YOU SON OF A BITCH"





Reading Room

03:14 Feb 12 2011
Times Read: 642

Got my book club flyer in the mail today. Open it to find this selection available:

"An Irreverent Curiosity: In Search of the Church's Strangest Relic in Italy's Oddest Town" by David Farley.

The blurb reads: "In this most intriguing travel book, Farley writes about his dedicated search for the stolen foreskin of Jesus."

Now here's the thing. I bet I've considered a lot of strange and unusual things in my years on this planet. Jesus' foreskin is one thing I can honestly say I've never given a thought to. Generally, holy genitalia and their brethren is a topic that lay people kind of skirt around.

So, now I'm thinking, this book sounds interesting. I'm going to get it, and see if this guy actually finds the foreskin. I'm kind of rooting for him already.



01:39 Feb 21 2011

Do let us know how the book is!

Wow. I might need to find a library around here that has that. . . .

22:10 Feb 24 2011

Holy genitalia, Batman!

Sorry, I just watched the old (as in, from the 60's) Batman movie, and I just couldn't resist. :P


It's a Win

03:09 Feb 07 2011
Times Read: 651

31-25 Packers! WE WON!!



06:15 Feb 07 2011

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave



00:54 Feb 04 2011
Times Read: 685

I would just like to know, via comments here, how many VR people allow customers or higher-ups in the chain of command to address them with profanity on their jobs? I know, some of us have jobs where the interaction is more casual and therefore the language can be a bit more casual also. But do you think it is ok or allowable, just because they are "the customer" (who presumably is always right!) for them to use f-bombs when speaking to you?

This is apparently a growing trend. Quite a few people who come into the shop think it is perfectly all right to say things like "go get my fucking clothes" or "what the fuck is going on with my order?" The editor of our paper even did a recent editorial on this, and the headline of the editorial read "VULGAR!"

That's exactly what it is. Men, you should be ashamed of yourself speaking to a female like that. (and it is 99% men who do it. Ladies seem to refrain from profanity for the most part.) If you are having a rough day, WE aren't the cause of it, so why are you cursing at us? If you don't understand what goes on in the process of dry cleaning, is that a reason to curse like a sailor? AND GET FREAKING LOUD WITH IT?

People have lost their manners and their minds. We give them a warning to drop the cursing or they go out. Boy, are they surprised to see us follow up. Three men went right back out the way they came in this morning. My boss told them "This is a family store, and there is no need for that kind of language in here!" Two of them tried going to our store across town and using that language on the people there, who promptly turned them out. The third guy apologized and said he was all stressed out and didn't realize what he had said. Sure, sure.

If everyone treated people they have to deal with the way they want to be treated, we would all have a much happier work day.




01:35 Feb 04 2011

As a fellow Manager, let me assure you, I tell the Guest to cease and desist, or leave immediately.

The power of the "boot" is immense in a Business; after all, 'We reserve the Right to refuse Service at any Time'.

02:05 Feb 04 2011

Well at least your boss supports you on it.

03:49 Feb 04 2011

It's not that I 'allow' it, but sometimes it's appropriate -- however; I'm in advertising and we're not dealing with the general public or children. I don't work with anyone under 25 years of age, so we can allow the F-bomb in certain contexts.

For example; if the client is being a fucking idiot; it's okay to say it as long as they can't hear it.


But, if someone said it in the manner you described above, it would be unprofessional.

05:59 Feb 04 2011

As a head bartender, a former manager, and the trainer of younger bartenders, I have sworn on occasion at work. Anyone who has read my journal knows why. However, one thing I live by and teach my kids religiously: You do NOT have to put up with that out of a guest. If it's all in fun and games, that's one thing; how much they put up with is up to them. However, if I find a guest making any of my kids uncomfortable in ANY way, I put a stop to that. And either they cease doing whatever it is, and apologize, or I will ask them to leave. The supers can either back me up, or they will find out real quick that both bartenders (or one if that is what is working) suddenly have decided that said customer is too intoxicated to be served anymore.

22:12 Feb 24 2011

Some guy last weekend kept yelling "Pussy!" at me over and over again. Oh yeah, THAT'S attractive!


Snow Day!

13:46 Feb 02 2011
Times Read: 694

Boss asked me last night to phone him early this morning, to see if we would be closed or not. Last night he was saying we would open. So I get up and phone him and he says go back to bed, we will close.

Well. Then I get on Facebook and here is his wife saying, LAST NIGHT, that the store would close and everyone would have a snow day. This was posted at midnight, long after I went to bed.

I was FURIOUS. If they knew last night we would close today, couldn't someone have phoned me? I was tossing and turning all night wondering what the storm would bring and whether we would close and what all I would have to do in the morning if we opened.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHH! MEN! I got hold of my boss' wife just now and asked her to tell me when something like this is decided, and she was all shocked that her hubby hadn't told me til the last minute! She was sure he had told me last night that we would close today. I said no he hadn't. She said she would sure let me know from now on if something like this happens again.

Cripes. What a way to start a snow day.




Snow Day...Or Not

00:38 Feb 02 2011
Times Read: 709

I could slap the shit out of my boss. We have a blizzard bearing down on us, every business and organization in the area has closed for tomorrow....and my boss wants to stay open. Really? Who the FUCK is going to go to the dry cleaners in the middle of a blizzard? They have been on the radio all day saying do not go out, dangerous conditions, near impassable roads, blowing and drifting....we are supposed to get a foot or more...and he wants to open.

I could just scream. I probably will. Well, if he wants to do that, he can jolly well come and get me. My car doesn't go in blizzards, plus the fact that my apartment building will NOT get plowed out till everything is over with. This is stupid. I am PISSED OFF.




02:14 Feb 02 2011

Make him come, that's the Spirit; Greed over Safety is not a very prudent Business Model, but I digress.

04:09 Feb 03 2011

When my boss insisted I had to drive up the mountain in a snow storm that cut visibility down to zip, and even the snow plow drivers weren't going up, I made him pick me up at the bottom of the hill which was as far as my husband could get me even in the Jeep. I then made him take me home.

Bitch thy name is Luanne...lol

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